Monthly Archives: August 2018

The Science of Luck

One of the most intriguing findings discussed in Professor Richard Wiseman’s 2003 book “The Luck Factor” is that some people genuinely seem to be luckier than others. A person’s state of mind appears to have a measurable influence upon the outcome of events. This seems to run contrary to conventional logic. Probability theory indicates that the likelihood of an event either happening or not happening is determined by purely mechanistic factors, and yet Wiseman is adamant that luck is not merely a matter of arbitrary mathematics. He argues that a person’s attitude can actually influence how lucky they are in life. At first glance, this may seem like the unscientific ramblings of a new age guru, but Wiseman is a respected academic. As Professor of Parapsychology at the University of Hertfordshire, he is well-known for his sceptical approach in dealing with spurious claims of the paranormal. The reality, according to Wiseman, is that people who maintain a positive outlook on life tend to seize more opportunities and take more calculated risks, which means that they are more frequently in a position to capitalise on strokes of good fortune which other, more negatively-minded people would either shy away from or simply fail to observe. Wiseman’s research has shown that, over time, people who consider themselves unlucky tend to have a correspondingly negative outlook on life. They may avoid applying for their dream job or approaching a potential romantic partner, simply because they believe, subconsciously, that they don’t deserve to achieve their desired outcome. In addition, people who feel ‘unlucky’ exhibit more anxiety, and their stress levels tend to have a detrimental effect upon their ability to concentrate and think clearly. This in turn can create a vicious circle of neurosis and depression. When many people think about the concept of manipulating luck, they tend to associate it with games of chance. The fantasy of a hitting a lucky streak at the roulette tables is deeply enshrined within the public imagination. Whether or not you ascribe anything to strategy in games, luck clearly plays the most important role here. Could Wiseman’s ideas be applied to gaining an edge in casino games? It’s certainly an intriguing question to ponder. From a purely psychological perspective, a case could be made for the idea that a player who embarks upon a game of chance in a positive, optimistic frame of mind is more inclined to play in a cool, dispassionate way. Such players are more likely to stick to relatively sensible staking strategies and avoid the temptation to go “on tilt”, whereas players who approach the game in a negative or emotionally fragile state of mind are more likely to lose control and start playing recklessly. Perhaps individuals who believe themselves to be habitually unlucky are more prone to start chasing losses with ever more risky bets, in which case a random losing streak could be potentially devastating to their finances. If this is the case, it could be argued that the way in which a person self-identifies as either ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ could quite feasibly become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The science behind our need for natural light

We are all aware of the importance of the sun and how it provides us with a boost. This boost is likely due to vitamin D in our bodies. While many people may be aware of the fact the sun helps us in absorbing vitamin D, most people will not be aware of how this occurs or what benefits this process provides.Vitamin D can be found in a number of foods such as fatty fish and egg yolk; however the vast majority of the vitamin comes from our own bodies. Within our skin is a steroid called 7-Dehydrocholesterol, When UV rays from the sun hit our skin, bonds are broken in this steroid creating cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3. The liver and kidneys then proceed to convert this into the final form called calcitriol.Calcitriol or Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones. Vitamin D allows for the absorption of calcium and the management of calcium levels in the blood and bones. This vitamin is believed to aid in a number of bodily functions such as helping the immune system to fight infection, healthy muscle function and healthy circulation.Using innovative technology and design, Parans offers sunlight for indoor environments such as the office or home. This technology is an essential component in any office space as it provides natural light aiding in productivity. According to studies, workers in well lit environments were less prone to symptoms of headaches and eye strain. One of the key factors in a good workplace is productivity. An office environment with plenty of light can be seen to have employees with increased focus and efficiency due to higher vitamin D levels. Productivity and levels of vitamin D have a link in sleep. The body possesses a rhythm integral to coordination of several functions, collectively known as the circadian rhythm. With the emergence of so much unnatural light in phones and TV screens there is a potential to throw this rhythm off. By sleeping in a room with access to windows this rhythm can be realigned ensuring our sleep is improved.