Monthly Archives: April 2018

Best Ways to Help You Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is notoriously difficult. However, with patience and perseverance it can be accomplished. Everyone is different, so with that in mind we have outlined a number of different options that can be used in the hope that one of these methods will be successful. One of the main issues that come along with quitting is the fact that the nicotine is withdrawn instantly from the system. For many people, a slow withdrawal is often better, letting the body gently wean itself off the addictive substance. With that in mind, there are a number of products that can help ease this transition. The most common of these is the nicotine patch, which many use with varying degrees of success. Some use e-cigarettes, but many ex-smokers claim that snus is the way to go.Snus from SnusDirect is a Swedish tobacco. It is placed in small moist pouches, which are then placed under the top lip and kept there for the duration of the flavour. These little pouches release small amounts of nicotine into the blood stream through the sensitive skin behind the lip thus enabling users to still get that high without the need for unsightly and unhealthy smoking.For those that feel they can handle it, quitting completely can be the way to go but many who attempt this route often find themselves needing something to do with their hands. Often it can be practical to chew gum, play with straws or even carry a cup of coffee around just so that the hands don’t try and sneak back to that illusive packet.Whatever route you decide to take, the key is to stick with it. Having a positive mentality is the key to success and will help you avoid failure. Make sure to have a strong backing group as moral support – no one should go it alone.